Name: Stranice
Lat/lon: 46.3629738 15.3644038
Country: SI
Administrative code:
Ancient name: Ad Lotodos
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=13118 , Pleiades=197069

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. CIL 17-04-01 no. 129, 236, as place of event/issue
  2. CIL 17-04-01 no. 128, 236, as place of event/issue
  3. Hierosolym no. 561, 333, mentioned
  4. CIL 17-04-01 no. 131, 251-340, as place of event/issue
  5. CIL 17-04-01 no. 132, 367-383, as place of event/issue