Name: Gernsheim
Lat/lon: 49.7466 8.48135
Country: DE
Administrative code: 06433004
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=539 , GeoNames=2920994 , Pleiades=109006

See also: vici:id=8304; ; wikipedia:de=Kastell_Gernsheim

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. SS_21 no. 001, 764, as organisation
  2. CL no. 0248, 772-03-17, as organisation
  3. CL no. 0221, 779-06-27, as organisation
  4. CL no. 0228, 782-03, as organisation
  5. CL no. 0268, 782-06-03, as organisation
  6. CL no. 0006a, 795-08, as organisation
  7. CL no. 0006a, 795-08, mentioned
  8. CL no. 3671, 830-850, as possession
  9. D_LD no. 063, 852-06-23, as place of event/issue
  10. bm no. 1401, 852-06-23, as place of event/issue
  11. bm no. 1488a, 871, as place of event/issue
  12. D_Karl no. 065, 882-12-02, as possession
  13. D_Arn no. 037, 888-08-25, as place of event/issue
  14. D_Arn no. 036, 888-08-23, as place of event/issue
  15. bm no. 1801, 888-08-23, as place of event/issue
  16. bm no. 1802, 888-08-25, as place of event/issue
  17. CL no. 0053, 897-05-20, as possession
  18. CL no. 2720, 908-11-20, as possession
  19. D_K_I no. 032, 917-11-03, as organisation
  20. CL no. 0067, 948-02-28, as organisation
  21. Ewig_1965, mentioned , secondary source

ordered by title

  1. CHANCOR comte en Thurgau/Zürichgau, mentionné en 743/747, comte en Breisgau, mentionné en 757/758, comte (? en Rheingau), mentionné depuis 764, mort en 771
  2. HEIMERICUS comte, mentionné en 766 et 767, comte (? en Rheingau), mentionné de 772 à 782