Name: Rottweil
Lat/lon: 48.1666854 8.6279301
Country: DE
Administrative code: 08325049
Ancient name: Arae Flaviae
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=1529 , GeoNames=2843636 , Pleiades=118572

See also: TPPlace=973; amphi-theatrum=1941; brill-s-new-pauly=arae-e131190; pecs=arae-flaviae; theatrum=177; tm=14178; ; wikipedia:de=Arae_Flaviae

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. Ptolemaeus no. 2,10, 170, mentioned
  2. Peutinger no. 973, 328, mentioned
  3. Fredegar no. 110, 741, as organisation
  4. UBSG_1 no. 039, 762/765-11-22, as organisation
  5. Fredegar no. 136, 768-09, as organisation
  6. UBSG_1 no. 063, 771/775-05-02, as organisation
  7. UBSG_1 no. 102, 785-09-01, as organisation
  8. UBSG_1 no. 103, 786-01-15, as organisation
  9. UBSG_1 no. 108, 786-05-03, as organisation
  10. UBSG_1 no. 122, 789-12-06, as place of event/issue
  11. UBSG_1 no. 122, 789-12-06, as organisation
  12. UBSG_1 no. 124, 790-01-24, as organisation
  13. UBSG_1 no. 143, 797-03-20, as organisation
  14. UBSG_1 no. 170, 802-10-22, as organisation
  15. Capit._1 no. 045, 806-02-06, as organisation
  16. UBSG_1 no. 199, 809-01-05, as organisation
  17. SS_1 no. 829, 829, as organisation
  18. Capit._2 no. 194, 831-02, as organisation
  19. bm no. 0889, 831-05-14, as possession
  20. AnnBertin no. 839, 839, as organisation
  21. bm no. 0994, 839-06-20, as organisation
  22. bm no. 1577c, 876, as place of event/issue
  23. D_Karl no. 156, 887-02-10, as place of event/issue
  24. D_Karl no. 157, 887-02-16, as place of event/issue
  25. bm no. 1744, 887-02-10, as place of event/issue
  26. bm no. 1745, 887-02-16, as place of event/issue
  27. D_LK no. 014, 902-08-06, mentioned
  28. D_LK no. 045, 906-05-31, as place of event/issue
  29. bm no. 2033, 906-10-31, as place of event/issue
  30. ORL no. 000, mentioned , secondary source
  31. Civitates_GS no. 000, 0-212, mentioned , secondary source
  32. ebling_1974 no. 228, 643, mentioned , secondary source
  33. ebling_1974 no. 190, 700, mentioned , secondary source

ordered by title

  1. Alemannia
  2. Alemannien zur Zeit der Doppelherrschaft der Hausmeier Karlmann und Pippin (1990)
  3. Christentum und fränkischer Staat in Alemannien und Rätien während des 8. Jahrhunderts. I. (1949)
  4. Die Besiedlung des Alamannenlandes. Mit einem Anhang: Ãœber die Entstehung der alamannischen Gaugrafschaftsbezirke (1898)
  5. Die Geschichte der Alamannen als Gaugeschichte (1899)
  6. Dominikanermuseum Rottweil
  8. Karl der Kahle als Herzog von Alemannien (829-833)
  9. Römerstrasse Neckar-Alb-Aare
  10. Ueber die Abstammung der sog. Kammerboten Erchanger und Berchthold (1878)
  11. Untersuchungen zu den fränkisch-alemannischen Beziehungen in der ersten Hälfte des 8. Jahrhunderts (1980)
  12. Zur Herrschaftsstruktur Bayerns und Alemanniens im 8. Jahrhundert (1966)