Name: Roding
Lat/lon: 49.196458 12.517153
Country: DE
Administrative code: 09372153
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=1512 , GeoNames=2845925

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. D_LD no. 038, 844-09-15, as place of event/issue
  2. bm no. 1379, 844-09-15, as place of event/issue
  3. D_Arn no. 145, 896-08-02, as organisation

ordered by title

  1. Altbayern Reihe I Heft 44: Roding, die Pflegämter Wetterfeld und Bruck (1986)
  2. Roding, Skizze 1: Altstraßen im Untersuchungsgebiet
  3. Roding, Skizze 2: Frühgeschichtliche Fundorte
  4. Roding, Skizze 3: Die slawische Besiedlung
  5. Roding, Skizze 4: Die deutsche Besiedlung
  6. Roding, Skizze 5: Rodungssiedlungen