Name: Roma
Lat/lon: 41.89262 12.4843457
Country: IT
Administrative code: 058091
Ancient name: Roma
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=1438 , GeoNames=3169070 , Pleiades=423025

See also: TPPlace=1203; amphi-theatrum=1372; brill-s-new-pauly=rome-e1023950; name:de=Rom; ; name:en=Rome; ; ; ; pecs=roma; romaq=429; romaq=430; romaq=431; romaq=432; romaq=433; romaq=434; romaq=435; romaq=436; romaq=437; romaq=438; romaq=439; romaq=817; romaq=903; theatrum=429; tm=2058; whc=91; ; ; wikipedia=Ancient_Rome; wikipedia=Rome

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. AE 2000 no. 01195, date not available, mentioned
  2. HF_06 no. 006, date not available, mentioned
  3. Antonini no. 302, 211-217, mentioned
  4. Antonini no. 301, 211-217, mentioned
  5. Antonini no. 301, 211-217, mentioned
  6. Antonini no. 301, 211-217, mentioned
  7. Antonini no. 300, 211-217, mentioned
  8. Antonini no. 300, 211-217, mentioned
  9. Antonini no. 289, 211-217, mentioned
  10. Antonini no. 286, 211-217, mentioned
  11. Antonini no. 286, 211-217, mentioned
  12. Antonini no. 284, 211-217, mentioned
  13. Fredegar no. 110, 741, as place of event/issue
  14. Conc._2,1 no. 003, 743, as place of event/issue
  15. Conc._2,1 no. 005, 745-10-25, as place of event/issue
  16. AnnMosel no. 747, 747, as place of event/issue
  17. Fredegar no. 116, 747, as place of event/issue
  18. AnnPet no. 747, 747, as place of event/issue
  19. AnnAmand no. 747, 747, as place of event/issue
  20. AnnReg no. 749, 749, as place of event/issue
  21. AnnPet no. 753, 753, as place of event/issue
  22. AnnPet no. 754, 754, as place of event/issue
  23. AnnReg no. 755, 755, as place of event/issue
  24. Fredegar no. 121, 756-01-01, as place of event/issue
  25. Conc._2,1 no. 012, 761-07-04, as place of event/issue
  26. AnnPet no. 765, 765, as place of event/issue
  27. Conc._2,1 no. 014, 769-04-12-769-04-14, as place of event/issue
  28. AnnAlam no. 774, 774, as place of event/issue
  29. AnnReg no. 773, 774-04-03, as place of event/issue
  30. AnnAlam no. 780, 780, as place of event/issue
  31. AnnReg no. 780, 780, as possession
  32. AnnAmand no. 780, 780, as place of event/issue
  33. AnnAlam no. 781, 781, as place of event/issue
  34. AnnReg no. 781, 781, as place of event/issue
  35. AnnReg no. 781, 781, as place of event/issue
  36. AnnReg no. 781, 781, as place of event/issue
  37. bm no. 0515r, 781-04-15, as place of event/issue
  38. AnnAmand no. 787, 787, as place of event/issue
  39. D_Kar._1 no. 158, 787-03-28, as place of event/issue
  40. AnnReg no. 787, 787, as place of event/issue
  41. AnnReg no. 787, 787-04-08, as place of event/issue
  42. AnnAmand no. 797, 797, as possession
  43. AnnAmand no. 800, 800, as place of event/issue
  44. AnnAmand no. 800, 800, as place of event/issue
  45. AnnReg no. 800, 800-12-25, as place of event/issue
  46. D_Kar._1 no. 196, 801-03-04, as place of event/issue
  47. AnnReg no. 801, 801-04-04, as place of event/issue
  48. SMB no. 18202744, 793-814
  49. bm no. 1018a, 823-04-05, as place of event/issue
  50. bm no. 1020a, 824, as place of event/issue
  51. bm no. 1021, 824, as place of event/issue
  52. bm no. 1021a, 824-11-11, as place of event/issue
  53. bm no. 1021b, 824-11-13, as place of event/issue
  54. bm no. 1177d, 844-06-15, as place of event/issue
  55. bm no. 1179a, 850-04-00, as place of event/issue
  56. Gariel no. LX_031, 840-855
  57. Gariel no. LX_032, 840-855
  58. Gariel no. LX_033, 840-855
  59. Gariel no. LX_034, 840-855
  60. Gariel no. LX_035, 840-855
  61. Gariel no. LX_036, 840-855
  62. Gariel no. LX_037, 840-855
  63. Gariel no. LX_038, 840-855
  64. Gariel no. LX_039, 840-855
  65. D_L_II no. 029, 858-03-30, as place of event/issue
  66. D_L_II no. 038, 864-02-23, as place of event/issue
  67. D_L_II no. 039, 864-02-00, as place of event/issue
  68. bm no. 1324d, 869, as place of event/issue
  69. bm no. 1324g, 869-07-11, as place of event/issue
  70. bm no. 1325a, 869, as place of event/issue
  71. D_L_II no. 057, 872-05-28, as place of event/issue
  72. Gariel no. LXI_011, 855-875
  73. Gariel no. LXI_012, 855-875
  74. Gariel no. LXI_013, 855-875
  75. Gariel no. XXIV_094, 875-877
  76. D_Karl no. 178, 881, as place of event/issue
  77. D_Arn no. 140, 896-02-27, as place of event/issue
  78. D_Arn no. 141, 896-03-01, as place of event/issue
  79. bm no. 1913e, 896, as place of event/issue
  80. bm no. 1913i, 896-02-00, as place of event/issue
  81. bm no. 1914, 896-02-23, as place of event/issue
  82. bm no. 1915, 896-02-27, as place of event/issue
  83. bm no. 1916, 896-03-01, as place of event/issue
  84. bm no. 1917a, 896, as place of event/issue
  85. Gariel no. LXII_003d, 887-899

ordered by title

  1. A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome (1929)
  2. Étude sur le Liber pontificalis (1877)
  3. Études critiques sur l'histoire de Charlemagne. VI. Le couronnement impérial de l'an 800 (1920)
  4. Études sur l'administration de Rome au moyen âge (751-1252) (1907)
  5. Acta pontificum Romanorum inedita. I. Urkunden der Päpste vom Jahre 748 bis zum Jahre 1198 (1880)
  6. Acta pontificum Romanorum inedita. II. Urkunden der Päpste vom Jahre c. 97 bis zum Jahre 1197 (1884)
  7. Acta pontificum Romanorum inedita. III. Urkunden der Päpste vom Jahre c. 590 bis zum Jahre 1197 (1886)
  8. Bayern und Rom im frühen achten Jahrhundert. Über die römischen Synodalakten von 721 und das päpstliche Kapitular von 716 zur Einrichtung einer bayerischen Kirchenprovinz (2000)
  9. Die Beziehungen des Papsttums zum fränkischen Staats- und Kirchenrecht unter den Karolingern (1892)
  10. Die Entstehung des Kirchenstaates (1894)
  11. Die Quellen zur Geschichte der Entstehung des Kirchenstaates (1907)
  12. Die Regesten der Päpste (844-872), Faszikel 844-858
  13. Early history of the Christian church: from its foundation to the end of the third century, volume 1 (1912)
  14. Empereur, Empereur associé et Pape au temps de Louis le Pieux (1992)
  15. Epistolarum Tomus I. Gregori I papae registrum epistolarum. Libri I.-VII. (1899)
  16. Epistolarum Tomus II. Gregorii I papae Registrum epistolarum. Libri VIII-XIV (1901)
  17. Gestorum Pontificum Romanorum vol. 1. Liber Pontificalis, pars prior (1898)
  18. III. Die päpstlichen Urkunden für Fulda bis zum 13. Jahrhunderte
  19. Kritische Beiträge zu den Akten der römischen Synode vom 12. April 732 (1891)
  20. L'avènement de la dynastie carolingienne et les origines de l'État pontifical (749-757). Essai sur la chronologie et l'interprétation des événements (1933)
  21. L'inscription du tombeau d'Hadrien I, composée et gravée par ordre de Charlemagne (1888)
  22. Le chiese d'Italia dalla loro origine sino ai nostri giorni. Volume ottavo (1851)
  23. Le Liber Pontificalis. Texte, introduction et commentaire. Tome 1 (1886)
  24. Monete dei Romani Pontefici avanti il Mille (1858)
  25. Monete dei Romani Pontefici avanti il Mille. Tavole I-X
  26. Pontificorum Vitae
  27. Regesta pontificum romanorum (1851)
  28. Regesta pontificum Romanorum (bis 1198), Vol. 1 (2. Auflage) (1885)
  29. Regesta pontificum Romanorum (bis 1198), Vol. 2 (2. Auflage) (1888)
  30. Solium imperii-urbs ecclesiae. Roma fra la tarda antichità e l'alto medioevo (2000)
  31. The beginnings of the temporal sovereignty of the popes A. D. 754-1073 (1908)
  32. The book of the popes (Liber pontificalis) (1916)
  33. The popes during the Carolingian Empire: Leo III. to Formosus, 795-891. Vol. II. 795-858 (1906)
  34. The popes during the Carolingian Empire: Leo III. to Formosus, 795-891. Vol. III. 858-891 (1906)
  35. The popes under the Lombard rule. Vol I. St. Gregory I. (the Great) to Leo III. 590-795. Part II. 657-795 (1902)
  36. VIII. Codex Carolinus