name: Chartes poitevines de l'abbaye de Saint-Florent près Saumur (De 833 a 1160 environ)
In: Archives historiques du Poitou, URI , 2
year: 1873
language: Latin
digital editions: Gallica, Google-USA
canonical uri:

is Cited As Evidence By
ordered by place and date

  1. Chênehutte, S-Florent-Poitou no. 001, 833-866, mentioned
  2. Chinon, S-Florent-Poitou no. 006, 1011, mentioned
  3. Lézon, S-Florent-Poitou no. 001, 833-866, as possession
  4. Loudun, S-Florent-Poitou no. 001, 833-866, mentioned
  5. Loudun, S-Florent-Poitou no. 002, 976/977-10-00, mentioned
  6. Loudun, S-Florent-Poitou no. 003, 976/977-10-00, mentioned
  7. Loudun, S-Florent-Poitou no. 005, 1006, mentioned
  8. Loudun, S-Florent-Poitou no. 004, 985-1009, mentioned
  9. Loudun, S-Florent-Poitou no. 006, 1011, mentioned
  10. Méron, S-Florent-Poitou no. 001, 833-866, as possession
  11. Poitiers, S-Florent-Poitou no. 002, 976/977-10-00, as place of event/issue
  12. Poitiers, S-Florent-Poitou no. 003, 976/977-10-00, as place of event/issue
  13. Saint-Florent-le-Vieil, S-Florent-Poitou no. 033, 833-12, as institution/office
  14. Saint-Florent-le-Vieil, S-Florent-Poitou no. 001, 833-866, as institution/office
  15. Saint-Florent-le-Vieil, S-Florent-Poitou no. 001, 833-866, as institution/office
  16. Saint-Hilaire-Saint-Florent, S-Florent-Poitou no. 001, 833-866, as institution/office
  17. Thouars, S-Florent-Poitou no. 033, 833-12, mentioned

is Cited By
ordered by title

  1. Saint-Florent-le-Vieil villa