Name: Psalmodi
Lat/lon: 43.604274 4.2167587
Country: FR
Administrative code: 30276
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=9008 , Pleiades=148162

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. Uzes no. 783, 783, as organisation
  2. Languedoc no. 024, 813-06-05, as organisation
  3. bm no. 0599, 815-12-03, as organisation
  4. ARTEM no. 983, 816-09-27, as organisation
  5. Capit._1 no. 171, 817, as organisation
  6. D_Charles_II no. 054, 844-06-30, as organisation
  7. D_Caroli_Simplicis no. 040, 909-06-05, as organisation
  8. cartulR no. 000, mentioned , secondary source

ordered by title

  1. Psalmodi reconstruction. Center for the Electronic Reconstruction of Historical and Archeological Sites