Name: Tauberbischofsheim
Lat/lon: 49.62256 9.66322
Country: DE
Administrative code: 08128115
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=88 , GeoNames=2823854

See also: wikipedia:de=Tauberbischofsheim

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. FUB no. 222, 779-794, as possession
  2. Prinz_VIIC, 690-754, as organisation , secondary source
  3. Prinz_XII no. C, 690-768, mentioned , secondary source

ordered by title

  1. Rudolf of Fulda: Life of Leoba (c.836)
  2. Vita Leobae abbatissae Biscofesheimensis auct. Rudolfo Fuldensi