Name: San Candido
Lat/lon: 46.73292 12.28266
Country: IT
Administrative code: 021077
Ancient name: ‘Littamum’/[India]
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=732 , GeoNames=3168508 , Pleiades=187459

See also: name:de=Innichen; ; ; wikipedia:it=San_Candido

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. Antonini no. 280, 211-217, mentioned
  2. CIL 17-04-01 no. 163, 247, as place of event/issue
  3. TF no. 034, 769, as possession
  4. bm no. 0607, 816-02-05, as possession
  5. CDAF_1 no. 010, 822-07-10, as organisation
  6. CDAF_1 no. 011, 827-12-31, as organisation
  7. CDAF_1 no. 011, 827-12-31, as place of event/issue
  8. CDAF_1 no. 012, 828-01-17, as organisation

ordered by title

  1. Codex diplomaticus Austriaco-Frisingensis: Sammlung von Urkunden und Urbaren zur Geschichte der ehemals freisingischen Besitzungen in Österreich. I. Band (1870)
  2. Die Gründung Innichens und die Überlieferung. Zum 1200. Jubiläum (769-1969) der Gründung Innichens durch Herzog Tassilo III. (1970)
  3. Die Traditionen des Hochstifts Freising. I. Band (744-926) (1905)