Name: Sankt Goar
Lat/lon: 50.1507 7.71488
Country: DE
Administrative code: 07140133
Canonical uri:
Same As: Francia:places=71 , GeoNames=2841611
See also: wikipedia:de=Sankt_Goar
Cites As Evidence
ordered by date
- SS_15,1 no. 364, 765, as place of event/issue
- SS_15,1 no. 364, 765, as organisation
- bm no. 0712, 820-01-30, as organisation
- MRhUB no. 119, 881-02-17, as organisation
- MRhUB no. 135,112, 893, mentioned
- MRhUB no. 135,105, 893, as possession
- D_Zw no. 002, 895-06-05, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 1957, 895-06-05, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 1982a, 899, as place of event/issue
- Ewig_1965, mentioned , secondary source
- Prinz_XII no. A2, 500-589, mentioned , secondary source
ordered by title