Name: Barcelona
Lat/lon: 41.384106 2.175422
Country: ES
Administrative code: 08019
Ancient name: Col. Barcino
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=6534 , Pleiades=246343

See also: pecs=barcino; romaq=1254; romaq=533; tm=26261; ; ; ; ; wikipedia=Barcelona; wikipedia=Temple_of_Augustus_in_Barcelona

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. Astronom no. 013, 801, as place of event/issue
  2. Astronom no. 013, 801, as organisation
  3. AnnReg no. 801, 801, as place of event/issue
  4. SS_2 no. 472, 801, as place of event/issue
  5. Astronom no. 013, 801, as place of event/issue
  6. bm no. 0516f, 801, as place of event/issue
  7. Astronom no. 014, 802, as place of event/issue
  8. Capit._1 no. 133, 816-02-10, mentioned
  9. AnnReg no. 820, 820-01, as organisation
  10. AnnEinhard no. 827, 827, as organisation
  11. AnnFuld no. 829, 829, as organisation
  12. AnnBertin no. 830, 830, as place of event/issue
  13. AnnBertin no. 839, 839, as organisation
  14. Veuillin no. IV_12, 814-840
  15. Gariel no. XV_035, 814-840
  16. Gariel no. XV_036, 814-840
  17. Gariel no. XV_037, 814-840
  18. OGN no. 095, 818-840
  19. D_Charles_II no. 447, 844-05-844-07, as organisation
  20. D_Charles_II no. 046, 844-06-11, mentioned
  21. AnnBertin no. 848, 848, as place of event/issue
  22. ChronFontan no. 849, 849, as place of event/issue
  23. ChronFontan no. 849, 849, as place of event/issue
  24. AnnBertin no. 850, 850, as place of event/issue
  25. D_Charles_II no. 244, 861/862-08-00, as organisation
  26. Gariel no. XXII_034, 840-877
  27. Gariel no. XXII_035, 840-877
  28. Civitates, 300-600, as organisation , secondary source

ordered by title

  1. Bernard of Gothia
  2. Count of Barcelona
  3. Das fränkische Grenzsystem unter Karl dem Grossen. Neu untersucht und nach den Quellen dargestellt (1892)
  4. Der Feldzug gegen Barcelona nach den Angaben des Ermoldus Nigellus
  5. El primer grupo episcopal de Barcelona
  6. Els diplomes Carolingis a Catalunya. Primera part (2007)
  7. Els diplomes Carolingis a Catalunya. Segona part (2007)
  8. Els monestirs de Catalunya
  9. Lettre close de Charles le Chauve pour les Barcelonais (1902)
  10. Sur la lettre close de Charles le Chauve aux Barcelonais (1903)
  11. The siege of Barcelona and warfare in Moorish Spain (801-802)