Name: Mautern an der Donau
Lat/lon: 48.39376 15.57662
Country: AT
Administrative code: 31327
Ancient name: Faviana/Favianae/Favianis
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=6141 , Pleiades=118673

See also: limes-oesterreich=242; ; pecs=favianis; tm=28614; ; wikipedia:de=Kastell_Favianis

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. VitaSeverini no. 003, 450, mentioned
  2. D_Arn no. 118, 893-08-21, as place of event/issue
  3. D_Arn no. 120, 893-10-22, as possession
  4. D_Arn no. 120, 893-10-22, as possession
  5. bm no. 1890, 893-08-21, as place of event/issue
  6. bm no. 1955a, 899, as place of event/issue
  7. NOL no. 000, mentioned , secondary source
  8. Prinz_XII no. A1, 499, mentioned , secondary source

ordered by title

  1. Die kirchlichen und politischen Verhältnisse in den oberen Donauprovinzen zur Zeit Severins (1982)
  2. Eugippius and the closing years of the province of Noricum Ripense (1915)
  3. Leben des heiligen Severin von Eugippius (1878)
  4. Life of st. Severin by Eugippius (1914)
  5. Severinus und die Endzeit römischer Herrschaft an der oberen Donau (1968)
  6. SS rer. Germ. 26. Evgippii Vita Severini (1898)