Name: Mautern an der Donau
Lat/lon: 48.39376 15.57662
Country: AT
Administrative code: 31327
Ancient name: Faviana/Favianae/Favianis
Canonical uri:
Same As: Francia:places=6141 , Pleiades=118673
See also: limes-oesterreich=242; ; pecs=favianis; tm=28614; ; wikipedia:de=Kastell_Favianis
Cites As Evidence
ordered by date
- VitaSeverini no. 003, 450, mentioned
- D_Arn no. 118, 893-08-21, as place of event/issue
- D_Arn no. 120, 893-10-22, as possession
- D_Arn no. 120, 893-10-22, as possession
- bm no. 1890, 893-08-21, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 1955a, 899, as place of event/issue
- NOL no. 000, mentioned , secondary source
- Prinz_XII no. A1, 499, mentioned , secondary source
ordered by title
- Die kirchlichen und politischen Verhältnisse in den oberen Donauprovinzen zur Zeit Severins (1982)
- Eugippius and the closing years of the province of Noricum Ripense (1915)
- Leben des heiligen Severin von Eugippius (1878)
- Life of st. Severin by Eugippius (1914)
- Severinus und die Endzeit römischer Herrschaft an der oberen Donau (1968)
- SS rer. Germ. 26. Evgippii Vita Severini (1898)