Name: Würzburg
Lat/lon: 49.79342 9.9324
Country: DE
Administrative code: 09663000
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=6 , GeoNames=2805615

See also: wikipedia:de=Würzburg

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. SS_rer._Merov._5 no. 723, date not available, as place of event/issue
  2. RavCos no. IV_26, 500, mentioned
  3. SS_rer._Merov._5 no. 723, 680, as place of event/issue
  4. Echternach no. 008, 704-05-01, as place of event/issue
  5. Echternach no. 026, 717-04-18, as organisation
  6. EppSel1 no. 050, 742, as organisation
  7. EppSel1 no. 051, 743-04-01, as organisation
  8. EppSel1 no. 053, 743-04-01, as organisation
  9. Conc._2,1 no. 001, 743, as organisation
  10. EppSel1 no. 073, 746-747, as organisation
  11. Arnulfinger no. 084, 742-747, as organisation
  12. Arnulfinger no. 085, 742-747, as organisation
  13. Arnulfinger no. 086, 742-747, as organisation
  14. Epp3 no. 082, 748-05-01, as organisation
  15. RegAls no. 166, 749-09-27, as organisation
  16. AnnReg no. 749, 749, as organisation
  17. SS_15,1 no. 010, 742-753, as organisation
  18. SS_15,1 no. 004, 752, as organisation
  19. bmdep no. 593, 752-753, as organisation
  20. SS_15,1 no. 003, 751/753, as organisation
  21. SS_15,1 no. 004, 751/753, as organisation
  22. Conc._2,1 no. 011, 757-05-18, as organisation
  23. Conc._2,1 no. 013, 762, as organisation
  24. D_Kar._1 no. 016, 762-08-13, as organisation
  25. FUB no. 039, 762/763, as organisation
  26. SS_15,1 no. 364, 765, as organisation
  27. Conc._2,1 no. 014, 769-04-12-769-04-14, as organisation
  28. SS_21 no. 007, 774-09-01, as organisation
  29. biblAug no. 001, 779-10-14, as possession
  30. biblAug no. 001, 779-10-14, as possession
  31. D_Kar._1 no. 246, 788-10, as place of event/issue
  32. D_Kar._1 no. 246, 788-10, as organisation
  33. biblAug no. 002, 790, as possession
  34. AnnReg no. 793, 793-12-25, as place of event/issue
  35. AnnMosel no. 792, 793, as place of event/issue
  36. AnnMosel no. 792, 793-12-25, as place of event/issue
  37. bm no. 0971, 794-800, as organisation
  38. Bendel no. 001, 800-05-03, as organisation
  39. D_Kar._1 no. 206, 807-08-07, as organisation
  40. bmdep no. 595, 768-814, as organisation
  41. bmdep no. 594, 768-814, as organisation
  42. bmdep no. 595, 768-814, as possession
  43. bmdep no. 596, 768-814, as organisation
  44. WUB no. B, 815-03-27, as organisation
  45. CDF no. 577, 802-817, as organisation
  46. bm no. 0711, 820-01-20, as organisation
  47. bm no. 0711, 820-01-20, as organisation
  48. bm no. 0711, 820-01-20, as organisation
  49. bm no. 0768, 822-12-19, as organisation
  50. bm no. 0768, 822-12-19, as possession
  51. bm no. 0767, 822-12-19, as organisation
  52. bm no. 0769, 822-12-25, as organisation
  53. bm no. 0879, 826-830, as organisation
  54. Waitz_1878 no. 001, 832, as organisation
  55. bm no. 0971, 837-12-20, as organisation
  56. AnnBertin no. 839, 839, as organisation
  57. bm no. 1007, 840-06-08, as organisation
  58. D_LD no. 034, 844-01-09, as organisation
  59. D_LD no. 034, 844-01-09, as organisation
  60. D_LD no. 041, 845-07-05, as possession
  61. D_LD no. 041, 845-07-05, as organisation
  62. D_LD no. 042, 845-07-05, as organisation
  63. D_LD no. 048, 848-03-08, as organisation
  64. D_LD no. 059, 851-03-22, as organisation
  65. AnnNecrFuld no. 855, 855, as organisation
  66. D_LD no. 079, 857-03-27, as organisation
  67. D_LD no. 170, 876-05-18, as organisation
  68. D_Karl no. 066, 883-01-09, as organisation
  69. D_Arn no. 067, 889-11-21, as possession
  70. D_Arn no. 067, 889-11-21, as organisation
  71. D_Arn no. 068, 889-11-21, as organisation
  72. D_Arn no. 069, 889-11, as organisation
  73. D_Arn no. 066, 889-11-21, as organisation
  74. Regino no. 892, 892, as organisation
  75. Regino no. 892, 892, as organisation
  76. Regino no. 897, 897, as organisation
  77. D_LK no. 023, 903-07-09, as organisation
  78. Regino no. 903, 903, as organisation
  79. Gariel no. LXIV_017, 900-911
  80. D_K_I no. 027, 915-11-06, as place of event/issue
  81. D_K_I no. 027, 915-11-06, as organisation
  82. bm no. 2097, 915-11-06, as place of event/issue
  83. D_K_I no. 034, 918-07-04, as place of event/issue
  84. D_K_I no. 035, 918-07-05, as possession
  85. D_K_I no. 035, 918-07-05, as organisation
  86. D_K_I no. 034, 918-07-04, as organisation
  87. D_K_I no. 035, 918-07-05, as place of event/issue
  88. bm no. 2104, 918-07-04, as place of event/issue
  89. bm no. 2105, 918-07-05, as place of event/issue
  90. D_H_I no. 007, 923-04-08, as organisation
  91. D_H_I no. 006, 923-04-08, as organisation
  92. D_H_I no. 005, 923-04-07, as organisation
  93. D_O_I no. 044, 941-12-13, as organisation
  94. D_O_III no. 361, 1000-05-15, as organisation
  95. D_H_II no. 003, 1002, as organisation
  96. D_H_II no. 037, 1003-02-09, as organisation
  97. D_H_II no. 174, 1008-05-07, as organisation
  98. D_H_II no. 174, 1008-05-07, as organisation
  99. D_H_II no. 207, 1009-10-22, as organisation
  100. D_H_II no. 267, 1013-06-21, as organisation
  101. D_H_II no. 267, 1013-06-21, as organisation
  102. Prinz_VIIC, 690-754, as organisation , secondary source

ordered by title

  1. Babenberger und Rupertiner in Ostfranken (1958)
  2. Burchard, Bischof v. Würzburg (753)
  3. BURCHARDUS évêque de Würzburg ? 741-751/754
  4. Codex probationum ad episcopatum Wirceburgensem ex praecipuis documentis tam editis quam ineditis collectus
  5. Das Bistum Würzburg und seine Bischöfe im früheren Mittelalter (1966)
  6. Das Leben des hl. Burchards. Nach den Quellen dargestellt (1903)
  7. Das Patrozinium des hl. Martin. Versuch einer Grundlegung von Ostfranken aus (1964)
  8. Das Problem der vierzehn Slavenkirchen Karls des Großen im Lichte der bisher unbeachteten Dorsalvermerke der Urkunden Ludwigs des Deutschen (845) und Arnolfs (889) (1986)
  9. Denkmäler deutscher poesie und prosa aus dem VIII.-XII. jahrhundert (1864)
  10. Der heilige Kilian, Regionarbischof und Märtyrer, historisch-kritisch dargestellt (1896)
  11. Die Bistümer der Kirchenprovinz Mainz. Das Bistum Würzburg 1. Die Bischofsreihe bis 1254 (1962)
  12. Die elbgermanische Grundlage des Ostfränkischen (1955)
  13. Die Glaubwürdigkeit der jüngeren Vita Burchardi. Anmerkungen zur Frühgeschichte von Stadt und Bistum Würzburg (1959)
  14. Die Gründung der Bistümer Erfurt, Büraburg und Würzburg durch Bonifatius im Rahmen der fränkischen und päpstlichen Politik (1998)
  15. Die kirchenheiligen der Würzburger Diözese im Württembergischen Franken (1888)
  16. Die ostfränkischen Gaue (1885)
  17. Die Urkunden des Bisthums Würzburg (1882)
  19. Episcopatus Wirceburgensis Sub Metropoli Moguntina Chronologice Et Diplomatice Illustratus (1794)
  20. Ex vita Burchardi episcopi Wirziburgensis auctore ut traditur Egilwardo
  21. Gerichtsorganisaton und Sozialstruktur Mainfrankens im früheren Mittelalter (1978)
  22. MEGINGOZ évêque de Würzburg, attesté de 757 à 762, ? en 774 abbé du monastère de Neustadt (am Main)
  23. Monumenta Boica 37. Monumenta episcopatus Wirziburgensis (1864)
  24. Ostfranken im frühen Mittelalter. Altstraßen und Ortsnamen als Hilfsmittel der Forschung (1959)
  25. Ostfranken im zehnten Jahrhundert (1884)
  26. Passio Kiliani
  27. Regesta Franconia aus der Zeit der Ostfränkischen echten Karolinger (1874)
  28. Straße, Königscentene und Kloster im karolingischen Ostfranken (1953)
  29. Vitae Burchardi episcopi Wirziburgensis
  30. Vorfränkische und fränkische Namenschichten in der Landschafts- und Bezirksbenennung Ostfrankens (1960)
  31. Würzburg als Pfalzort (1959)
  32. Würzburger Markbeschreibung 779 (779)
  33. Würzburger Markbeschreibung vor 790 (790)