Name: Würzburg
Lat/lon: 49.79342 9.9324
Country: DE
Administrative code: 09663000
Canonical uri:
Same As: Francia:places=6 , GeoNames=2805615
See also: wikipedia:de=Würzburg
Cites As Evidence
ordered by date
- SS_rer._Merov._5 no. 723, date not available, as place of event/issue
- RavCos no. IV_26, 500, mentioned
- SS_rer._Merov._5 no. 723, 680, as place of event/issue
- Echternach no. 008, 704-05-01, as place of event/issue
- Echternach no. 026, 717-04-18, as organisation
- EppSel1 no. 050, 742, as organisation
- EppSel1 no. 051, 743-04-01, as organisation
- EppSel1 no. 053, 743-04-01, as organisation
- Conc._2,1 no. 001, 743, as organisation
- EppSel1 no. 073, 746-747, as organisation
- Arnulfinger no. 084, 742-747, as organisation
- Arnulfinger no. 085, 742-747, as organisation
- Arnulfinger no. 086, 742-747, as organisation
- Epp3 no. 082, 748-05-01, as organisation
- RegAls no. 166, 749-09-27, as organisation
- AnnReg no. 749, 749, as organisation
- SS_15,1 no. 010, 742-753, as organisation
- SS_15,1 no. 004, 752, as organisation
- bmdep no. 593, 752-753, as organisation
- SS_15,1 no. 003, 751/753, as organisation
- SS_15,1 no. 004, 751/753, as organisation
- Conc._2,1 no. 011, 757-05-18, as organisation
- Conc._2,1 no. 013, 762, as organisation
- D_Kar._1 no. 016, 762-08-13, as organisation
- FUB no. 039, 762/763, as organisation
- SS_15,1 no. 364, 765, as organisation
- Conc._2,1 no. 014, 769-04-12-769-04-14, as organisation
- SS_21 no. 007, 774-09-01, as organisation
- biblAug no. 001, 779-10-14, as possession
- biblAug no. 001, 779-10-14, as possession
- D_Kar._1 no. 246, 788-10, as place of event/issue
- D_Kar._1 no. 246, 788-10, as organisation
- biblAug no. 002, 790, as possession
- AnnReg no. 793, 793-12-25, as place of event/issue
- AnnMosel no. 792, 793, as place of event/issue
- AnnMosel no. 792, 793-12-25, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 0971, 794-800, as organisation
- Bendel no. 001, 800-05-03, as organisation
- D_Kar._1 no. 206, 807-08-07, as organisation
- bmdep no. 595, 768-814, as organisation
- bmdep no. 594, 768-814, as organisation
- bmdep no. 595, 768-814, as possession
- bmdep no. 596, 768-814, as organisation
- WUB no. B, 815-03-27, as organisation
- CDF no. 577, 802-817, as organisation
- bm no. 0711, 820-01-20, as organisation
- bm no. 0711, 820-01-20, as organisation
- bm no. 0711, 820-01-20, as organisation
- bm no. 0768, 822-12-19, as organisation
- bm no. 0768, 822-12-19, as possession
- bm no. 0767, 822-12-19, as organisation
- bm no. 0769, 822-12-25, as organisation
- bm no. 0879, 826-830, as organisation
- Waitz_1878 no. 001, 832, as organisation
- bm no. 0971, 837-12-20, as organisation
- AnnBertin no. 839, 839, as organisation
- bm no. 1007, 840-06-08, as organisation
- D_LD no. 034, 844-01-09, as organisation
- D_LD no. 034, 844-01-09, as organisation
- D_LD no. 041, 845-07-05, as possession
- D_LD no. 041, 845-07-05, as organisation
- D_LD no. 042, 845-07-05, as organisation
- D_LD no. 048, 848-03-08, as organisation
- D_LD no. 059, 851-03-22, as organisation
- AnnNecrFuld no. 855, 855, as organisation
- D_LD no. 079, 857-03-27, as organisation
- D_LD no. 170, 876-05-18, as organisation
- D_Karl no. 066, 883-01-09, as organisation
- D_Arn no. 067, 889-11-21, as possession
- D_Arn no. 067, 889-11-21, as organisation
- D_Arn no. 068, 889-11-21, as organisation
- D_Arn no. 069, 889-11, as organisation
- D_Arn no. 066, 889-11-21, as organisation
- Regino no. 892, 892, as organisation
- Regino no. 892, 892, as organisation
- Regino no. 897, 897, as organisation
- D_LK no. 023, 903-07-09, as organisation
- Regino no. 903, 903, as organisation
- Gariel no. LXIV_017, 900-911
- D_K_I no. 027, 915-11-06, as place of event/issue
- D_K_I no. 027, 915-11-06, as organisation
- bm no. 2097, 915-11-06, as place of event/issue
- D_K_I no. 034, 918-07-04, as place of event/issue
- D_K_I no. 035, 918-07-05, as possession
- D_K_I no. 035, 918-07-05, as organisation
- D_K_I no. 034, 918-07-04, as organisation
- D_K_I no. 035, 918-07-05, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 2104, 918-07-04, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 2105, 918-07-05, as place of event/issue
- D_H_I no. 007, 923-04-08, as organisation
- D_H_I no. 006, 923-04-08, as organisation
- D_H_I no. 005, 923-04-07, as organisation
- D_O_I no. 044, 941-12-13, as organisation
- D_O_III no. 361, 1000-05-15, as organisation
- D_H_II no. 003, 1002, as organisation
- D_H_II no. 037, 1003-02-09, as organisation
- D_H_II no. 174, 1008-05-07, as organisation
- D_H_II no. 174, 1008-05-07, as organisation
- D_H_II no. 207, 1009-10-22, as organisation
- D_H_II no. 267, 1013-06-21, as organisation
- D_H_II no. 267, 1013-06-21, as organisation
- Prinz_VIIC, 690-754, as organisation , secondary source
ordered by title
- Babenberger und Rupertiner in Ostfranken (1958)
- Burchard, Bischof v. Würzburg (753)
- BURCHARDUS évêque de Würzburg ? 741-751/754
- Codex probationum ad episcopatum Wirceburgensem ex praecipuis documentis tam editis quam ineditis collectus
- Das Bistum Würzburg und seine Bischöfe im früheren Mittelalter (1966)
- Das Leben des hl. Burchards. Nach den Quellen dargestellt (1903)
- Das Patrozinium des hl. Martin. Versuch einer Grundlegung von Ostfranken aus (1964)
- Das Problem der vierzehn Slavenkirchen Karls des Großen im Lichte der bisher unbeachteten Dorsalvermerke der Urkunden Ludwigs des Deutschen (845) und Arnolfs (889) (1986)
- Denkmäler deutscher poesie und prosa aus dem VIII.-XII. jahrhundert (1864)
- Der heilige Kilian, Regionarbischof und Märtyrer, historisch-kritisch dargestellt (1896)
- Die Bistümer der Kirchenprovinz Mainz. Das Bistum Würzburg 1. Die Bischofsreihe bis 1254 (1962)
- Die elbgermanische Grundlage des Ostfränkischen (1955)
- Die Glaubwürdigkeit der jüngeren Vita Burchardi. Anmerkungen zur Frühgeschichte von Stadt und Bistum Würzburg (1959)
- Die Gründung der Bistümer Erfurt, Büraburg und Würzburg durch Bonifatius im Rahmen der fränkischen und päpstlichen Politik (1998)
- Die kirchenheiligen der Würzburger Diözese im Württembergischen Franken (1888)
- Die ostfränkischen Gaue (1885)
- Die Urkunden des Bisthums Würzburg (1882)
- Episcopatus Wirceburgensis Sub Metropoli Moguntina Chronologice Et Diplomatice Illustratus (1794)
- Ex vita Burchardi episcopi Wirziburgensis auctore ut traditur Egilwardo
- Gerichtsorganisaton und Sozialstruktur Mainfrankens im früheren Mittelalter (1978)
- MEGINGOZ évêque de Würzburg, attesté de 757 à 762, ? en 774 abbé du monastère de Neustadt (am Main)
- Monumenta Boica 37. Monumenta episcopatus Wirziburgensis (1864)
- Ostfranken im frühen Mittelalter. Altstraßen und Ortsnamen als Hilfsmittel der Forschung (1959)
- Ostfranken im zehnten Jahrhundert (1884)
- Passio Kiliani
- Regesta Franconia aus der Zeit der Ostfränkischen echten Karolinger (1874)
- Straße, Königscentene und Kloster im karolingischen Ostfranken (1953)
- Vitae Burchardi episcopi Wirziburgensis
- Vorfränkische und fränkische Namenschichten in der Landschafts- und Bezirksbenennung Ostfrankens (1960)
- Würzburg als Pfalzort (1959)
- Würzburger Markbeschreibung 779 (779)
- Würzburger Markbeschreibung vor 790 (790)