Name: Amel
Lat/lon: 50.35446 6.17016
Country: BE
Administrative code: 63001
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=499 , GeoNames=2803242

See also: wikipedia=Battle_of_Amblève; wulfila:lemma=330; wulfila:lemma=336

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. D_Mer. no. 108, 670-09-06, mentioned
  2. Fredegar no. 106, 715, as place of event/issue
  3. LHF no. 052, 715, as place of event/issue
  4. D_Lo_II no. 043, 855-869, as possession
  5. D_Arn no. 031, 888, as possession
  6. PAL, mentioned , secondary source
  7. Ewig_1965, mentioned , secondary source