Name: Queudes
Lat/lon: 48.65766 3.75602
Country: FR
Administrative code: 51451
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=458 , GeoNames=2984770

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. Prou_1892 no. 0612, 600
  2. Tours no. 012, 813, mentioned
  3. bm no. 1435f, 858, as place of event/issue
  4. bm no. 1435i, 858, as place of event/issue
  5. Ewig_1965, mentioned , secondary source
  6. CAS, mentioned , secondary source
  7. Engel no. 118, 600 , secondary source
  8. Farcinet_1903 no. 197, 600 , secondary source