Name: Dax
Lat/lon: 43.708476 -1.052997
Country: FR
Administrative code: 40088
Ancient name: Aquae Terebellicae
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=400 , GeoNames=3021670 , Pleiades=246173

See also: pecs=aquae-tarbellicae; romaq=1063; tm=22988; ; wikipedia:fr=Aquae_Tarbellicae

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. CIL 17-02 no. 425, date not available, as place of event/issue
  2. Antonini no. 455, 211-217, mentioned
  3. Antonini no. 456, 211-217, mentioned
  4. Antonini no. 457, 211-217, mentioned
  5. NG no. 014, 390-413, mentioned
  6. OGN no. 053, 752-768
  7. Astronom no. 018, 812, as place of event/issue
  8. Gariel no. XII_185, 793/794-812
  9. bm no. 0519b, 813, as place of event/issue
  10. OGN no. 104, 814-823
  11. Veuillin no. P_18, 814-838
  12. Gariel no. XVI_052, 814-840
  13. Veuillin no. I_06, 814-840
  14. Gariel no. XVI_049, 814-840
  15. Gariel no. XVI_050, 814-840
  16. Gariel no. XVI_051, 814-840
  17. Gariel no. XVI_053, 814-840
  18. Gariel no. XXIII_052, 840-877
  19. Gariel no. XXIII_053, 840-877
  20. Gariel no. XXIII_054, 840-877
  21. Gariel no. XXIII_055, 840-877
  22. Vici_sudouest, mentioned , secondary source
  23. Engel no. 118, 600 , secondary source
  24. Civitates, 300-600, as organisation , secondary source