Name: Utrecht
Lat/lon: 52.090701 5.121598
Country: NL
Administrative code: 0344
Ancient name: Traiectum
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=38 , GeoNames=2745912 , Pleiades=99046

See also: pecs=traiectum; ; wikipedia:nl=Traiectum_(Utrecht); wulfila:lemma=15634

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. Antonini no. 369, 211-217, mentioned
  2. D_Mer._2 no. 202, 634, as possession
  3. Echternach no. 001, 694, as organisation
  4. Echternach no. 002, 696, as organisation
  5. Echternach no. 007, 698/699, as organisation
  6. Echternach no. 011, 704-10-01, as organisation
  7. Echternach no. 016, 709-05-21, as organisation
  8. Echternach no. 017, 710-07-29, as organisation
  9. Echternach no. 021, 712-06-01, as organisation
  10. Echternach no. 020, 712-03-01, as organisation
  11. Arnulfinger no. 044, 690-714, as organisation
  12. AnnAlam no. 716, 716, as place of event/issue
  13. Echternach no. 028, 718-10-24, as organisation
  14. Echternach no. 030, 721-12-12, as organisation
  15. Echternach no. 031, 721/722, as organisation
  16. Echternach no. 032, 721/722, as organisation
  17. Arnulfinger no. 012, 723-01-01, as possession
  18. Arnulfinger no. 012, 723-01-01, as organisation
  19. Arnulfinger no. 013, 726-07-09, as organisation
  20. Arnulfinger no. 013, 726-07-09, as organisation
  21. EppSel1 no. 073, 746-747, as organisation
  22. Arnulfinger no. 078, 741-747, as organisation
  23. D_Kar._1 no. 005, 753, as organisation
  24. D_Kar._1 no. 004, 753-05-23, as organisation
  25. D_Kar._1 no. 056, 769-03-01, as organisation
  26. D_Kar._1 no. 117, 777-06-08, as organisation
  27. Capit._1 no. 045, 806-02-06, as organisation
  28. bm no. 0578, 815-03-18, as organisation
  29. Utrecht no. 019, 828-02-07, as organisation
  30. Capit._2 no. 194, 831-02, as organisation
  31. Utrecht no. 022, 834-12-26, as organisation
  32. AnnBertin no. 837, 837, as organisation
  33. Nithard no. I/06, 837-11-10, as organisation
  34. Utrecht no. 020, 838-03-23, as organisation
  35. AnnBertin no. 839, 839, as organisation
  36. bmdep no. 563, 814-840, as organisation
  37. D_Lo_I no. 089, 845-03-21, as organisation
  38. AnnBertin no. 846, 846, as place of event/issue
  39. AnnBertin no. 850, 850, as place of event/issue
  40. Utrecht no. 021, 850-08-12, as organisation
  41. AnnBertin no. 851, 851, as place of event/issue
  42. AnnBertin no. 852, 852, as place of event/issue
  43. D_LD no. 068, 854-05-18, as organisation
  44. D_Lo_II no. 007, 858-01-02, as organisation
  45. Capit._2 no. 251, 870-08-08, as organisation
  46. Capit._2 no. 251, 870-08-08, as organisation
  47. Capit._2 no. 251, 870-08-08, as organisation
  48. D_Zw no. 009, 896-06-24, as organisation
  49. D_Zw no. 010, 896, as organisation
  50. D_K_I no. 024, 914-07-09, as organisation
  51. D_H_I no. 027, 931, as organisation
  52. Belgica no. 195, 948, as organisation
  53. D_O_I no. 124, 950-04-20, as organisation
  54. NGL no. 000, mentioned , secondary source
  55. vici_germania no. 000, mentioned , secondary source
  56. CAS, mentioned , secondary source
  57. Prinz_VI, 481-750, as organisation , secondary source
  58. Prinz_VIIC, 690-754, as organisation , secondary source
  59. Prinz_XII no. C, 690-768, mentioned , secondary source

ordered by title

  1. 7. Descriptiones eorum qui de Fresia bona sua sco Bonifacio tradiderunt
  2. Cartularium van Radbod
  4. Die Kaiserurkunden des Bisthums Utrecht (1880)
  5. Die Traditionen des Klosters Fulda (Ostfriesland)
  6. Diplomata ad s. Willibrordum vel ab eo collata
  7. DUKES of the FRISIANS
  8. Dutch Medieval Sources
  9. Frisian–Frankish wars
  10. Geschiedkundige beschouwing van het aloude handelsverkeer der stad Utrecht van de vroegste tijden af tot aan de veertiende eeuw, 4. (1846)
  11. Gregory of Utrecht
  12. Het oudste cartularium van het sticht Utrecht (1892)
  13. Historische bronnen en mythen van Kennemerland
  14. Lex Frisionum (latin-english)
  15. Nomina geographica Neerlandica. Geschiedkundig Onderzoek der nederlandsche aardrijkskundige namen, IIIde Deel. (1887)
  16. Norsemen in the Low Countries. Written sources (latin-dutch-english)
  17. Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland. 1. Afdeeling, Deel 1. (715-1256) (1866)
  18. Ostfriesisches Urkundenbuch Band 2 (1881)
  19. Properties of Fulda in Frisia. Codex Eberhardi
  20. Property Register St Maarten's Church. Cartularium Radbodi
  21. Regesten van oorkonden betreffende het sticht Utrecht (694-1301). Eerste deel (1908)
  22. Register van oorkonden die in het charterboek van Friesland ontbreken, tot het jaar 1400 (1883)
  23. Saint Willibrord
  24. The evolution of the money standard in medieval Frisia (2000)
  25. The Utrecht Psalter. Digital facsimile of Ms. 32 of Utrecht University Library (820-835)
  26. Untersuchungen über friesische Rechtsgeschichte I (1880)
  27. Untersuchungen über friesische Rechtsgeschichte. Theil II. Band 1 (1882)
  28. Untersuchungen über friesische Rechtsgeschichte. Theil II. Band 2 (1882)
  29. Untersuchungen über friesische Rechtsgeschichte. Theil III. Abschnitt 1. Das Gau Kinnem oder Kennemerland (1886)
  30. Vita Gregorii abbatis Traiectensis auctore Liudgero
  31. Vita s. Willibrordi (Utrecht)