Name: Utrecht
Lat/lon: 52.090701 5.121598
Country: NL
Administrative code: 0344
Ancient name: Traiectum
Canonical uri:
Same As: Francia:places=38 , GeoNames=2745912 , Pleiades=99046
See also: pecs=traiectum; ; wikipedia:nl=Traiectum_(Utrecht); wulfila:lemma=15634
Cites As Evidence
ordered by date
- Antonini no. 369, 211-217, mentioned
- D_Mer._2 no. 202, 634, as possession
- Echternach no. 001, 694, as organisation
- Echternach no. 002, 696, as organisation
- Echternach no. 007, 698/699, as organisation
- Echternach no. 011, 704-10-01, as organisation
- Echternach no. 016, 709-05-21, as organisation
- Echternach no. 017, 710-07-29, as organisation
- Echternach no. 021, 712-06-01, as organisation
- Echternach no. 020, 712-03-01, as organisation
- Arnulfinger no. 044, 690-714, as organisation
- AnnAlam no. 716, 716, as place of event/issue
- Echternach no. 028, 718-10-24, as organisation
- Echternach no. 030, 721-12-12, as organisation
- Echternach no. 031, 721/722, as organisation
- Echternach no. 032, 721/722, as organisation
- Arnulfinger no. 012, 723-01-01, as possession
- Arnulfinger no. 012, 723-01-01, as organisation
- Arnulfinger no. 013, 726-07-09, as organisation
- Arnulfinger no. 013, 726-07-09, as organisation
- EppSel1 no. 073, 746-747, as organisation
- Arnulfinger no. 078, 741-747, as organisation
- D_Kar._1 no. 005, 753, as organisation
- D_Kar._1 no. 004, 753-05-23, as organisation
- D_Kar._1 no. 056, 769-03-01, as organisation
- D_Kar._1 no. 117, 777-06-08, as organisation
- Capit._1 no. 045, 806-02-06, as organisation
- bm no. 0578, 815-03-18, as organisation
- Utrecht no. 019, 828-02-07, as organisation
- Capit._2 no. 194, 831-02, as organisation
- Utrecht no. 022, 834-12-26, as organisation
- AnnBertin no. 837, 837, as organisation
- Nithard no. I/06, 837-11-10, as organisation
- Utrecht no. 020, 838-03-23, as organisation
- AnnBertin no. 839, 839, as organisation
- bmdep no. 563, 814-840, as organisation
- D_Lo_I no. 089, 845-03-21, as organisation
- AnnBertin no. 846, 846, as place of event/issue
- AnnBertin no. 850, 850, as place of event/issue
- Utrecht no. 021, 850-08-12, as organisation
- AnnBertin no. 851, 851, as place of event/issue
- AnnBertin no. 852, 852, as place of event/issue
- D_LD no. 068, 854-05-18, as organisation
- D_Lo_II no. 007, 858-01-02, as organisation
- Capit._2 no. 251, 870-08-08, as organisation
- Capit._2 no. 251, 870-08-08, as organisation
- Capit._2 no. 251, 870-08-08, as organisation
- D_Zw no. 009, 896-06-24, as organisation
- D_Zw no. 010, 896, as organisation
- D_K_I no. 024, 914-07-09, as organisation
- D_H_I no. 027, 931, as organisation
- Belgica no. 195, 948, as organisation
- D_O_I no. 124, 950-04-20, as organisation
- NGL no. 000, mentioned , secondary source
- vici_germania no. 000, mentioned , secondary source
- CAS, mentioned , secondary source
- Prinz_VI, 481-750, as organisation , secondary source
- Prinz_VIIC, 690-754, as organisation , secondary source
- Prinz_XII no. C, 690-768, mentioned , secondary source
ordered by title
- 7. Descriptiones eorum qui de Fresia bona sua sco Bonifacio tradiderunt
- Cartularium van Radbod
- Die Kaiserurkunden des Bisthums Utrecht (1880)
- Die Traditionen des Klosters Fulda (Ostfriesland)
- Diplomata ad s. Willibrordum vel ab eo collata
- Dutch Medieval Sources
- Frisian–Frankish wars
- Geschiedkundige beschouwing van het aloude handelsverkeer der stad Utrecht van de vroegste tijden af tot aan de veertiende eeuw, 4. (1846)
- Gregory of Utrecht
- Het oudste cartularium van het sticht Utrecht (1892)
- Historische bronnen en mythen van Kennemerland
- Lex Frisionum (latin-english)
- Nomina geographica Neerlandica. Geschiedkundig Onderzoek der nederlandsche aardrijkskundige namen, IIIde Deel. (1887)
- Norsemen in the Low Countries. Written sources (latin-dutch-english)
- Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland. 1. Afdeeling, Deel 1. (715-1256) (1866)
- Ostfriesisches Urkundenbuch Band 2 (1881)
- Properties of Fulda in Frisia. Codex Eberhardi
- Property Register St Maarten's Church. Cartularium Radbodi
- Regesten van oorkonden betreffende het sticht Utrecht (694-1301). Eerste deel (1908)
- Register van oorkonden die in het charterboek van Friesland ontbreken, tot het jaar 1400 (1883)
- Saint Willibrord
- The evolution of the money standard in medieval Frisia (2000)
- The Utrecht Psalter. Digital facsimile of Ms. 32 of Utrecht University Library (820-835)
- Untersuchungen über friesische Rechtsgeschichte I (1880)
- Untersuchungen über friesische Rechtsgeschichte. Theil II. Band 1 (1882)
- Untersuchungen über friesische Rechtsgeschichte. Theil II. Band 2 (1882)
- Untersuchungen über friesische Rechtsgeschichte. Theil III. Abschnitt 1. Das Gau Kinnem oder Kennemerland (1886)
- Vita Gregorii abbatis Traiectensis auctore Liudgero
- Vita s. Willibrordi (Utrecht)