Name: Brumath
Lat/lon: 48.7300223 7.7111845
Country: FR
Administrative code: 67067
Ancient name: Brocomagus
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=377 , GeoNames=3029771 , Pleiades=108828

See also: AdlFI=N2001-AL-0005; TPPlace=884; romaq=127; tm=25374; ; ; wikipedia:de=Brumath; wikipedia:de=Schlacht_von_Brumath; wulfila:lemma=2567

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. Ptolemaeus no. 2,09, 170, mentioned
  2. Antonini no. 253, 211-217, mentioned
  3. CIL 17-02 no. 599, 253-259, as place of event/issue
  4. Peutinger no. 884, 328, mentioned
  5. Amm_Marc no. 16,02, 357, mentioned
  6. D_Kar._1 no. 051, 770-05, as place of event/issue
  7. bm no. 0125, 770-05-06, as place of event/issue
  8. TradWiz no. 189, 771-10-25, as place of event/issue
  9. D_Kar._1 no. 069, 772-07-05, as place of event/issue
  10. TradWiz no. 026, 772-05-25, as place of event/issue
  11. TradWiz no. 105, 772-05-25, as place of event/issue
  12. TradWiz no. 160, 816-05-06, as place of event/issue
  13. D_Arn no. 070, 889-11-27, as possession
  14. CL no. 0069, 953-08-11, as possession
  15. CAS, mentioned , secondary source
  16. Ewig_1965, mentioned , secondary source
  17. Petit_1994, mentioned , secondary source
  18. vici_germania no. 000, mentioned , secondary source
  19. DIRL, mentioned , secondary source
  20. Civitates_GS no. 000, 0-212, mentioned , secondary source

ordered by title