Name: Kempten
Lat/lon: 47.72761 10.322897
Country: DE
Administrative code: 09763000
Ancient name: Cambodunum
Canonical uri:
Same As: Francia:places=348 , GeoNames=2891621 , Pleiades=187335
See also: TPPlace=1004; brill-s-new-pauly=cambodunum-e225860; osm:relation=1324889; osm:way=52995524; pecs=cambodunum; romaq=243; satellite=yes; tm=22500; ; ; wikipedia:de=Archäologischer_Park_Cambodunum; wikipedia:de=Cambodunum; wikipedia=Kempten_(Allgäu)
Cites As Evidence
ordered by date
- CIL 17-04-01 no. 035, date not available, as place of event/issue
- CIL 17-04-01 no. 038, 201, as place of event/issue
- CIL 17-04-01 no. 033, 201, mentioned
- CIL 17-04-01 no. 036, 195-215, as place of event/issue
- Antonini no. 237, 211-217, mentioned
- Antonini no. 250, 211-217, mentioned
- Antonini no. 258, 211-217, mentioned
- CIL 17-04-01 no. 037, 201-230, as place of event/issue
- Civitates_Raetia no. 000, 0-212, mentioned , secondary source
ordered by title