Name: Feurs
Lat/lon: 45.74458502 4.22484737
Country: FR
Administrative code: 42094
Ancient name: Forum Segusiavorum
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=2283 , GeoNames=3018560 , Pleiades=167771

See also: TPPlace=729; pecs=forum-segusiavorum; mh=PA00117485; mh=PA00117486; romaq=143; theatrum=82

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. CIL 17-02 no. 314, 237, mentioned
  2. CIL 17-02 no. 316, 237, as place of event/issue
  3. CIL 17-02 no. 312, 237, as place of event/issue
  4. CIL 17-02 no. 315, 237, as place of event/issue
  5. CIL 17-02 no. 313, 237, as place of event/issue
  6. Peutinger no. 729, 328, mentioned
  7. RavCos no. IV_26, 500, mentioned

ordered by title

  1. Le forum gallo-romain de Feurs (Loire) (1991)