Name: Roma
Lat/lon: 41.89262 12.4843457
Country: IT
Administrative code: 058091
Ancient name: Roma
Canonical uri:
Same As: Francia:places=1438 , GeoNames=3169070 , Pleiades=423025
See also: TPPlace=1203; amphi-theatrum=1372; brill-s-new-pauly=rome-e1023950; name:de=Rom; ; name:en=Rome; ; ; ; pecs=roma; romaq=429; romaq=430; romaq=431; romaq=432; romaq=433; romaq=434; romaq=435; romaq=436; romaq=437; romaq=438; romaq=439; romaq=817; romaq=903; theatrum=429; tm=2058; whc=91; ; ; wikipedia=Ancient_Rome; wikipedia=Rome
Cites As Evidence
ordered by date
- AE 2000 no. 01195, date not available, mentioned
- HF_06 no. 006, date not available, mentioned
- Antonini no. 302, 211-217, mentioned
- Antonini no. 301, 211-217, mentioned
- Antonini no. 301, 211-217, mentioned
- Antonini no. 301, 211-217, mentioned
- Antonini no. 300, 211-217, mentioned
- Antonini no. 300, 211-217, mentioned
- Antonini no. 289, 211-217, mentioned
- Antonini no. 286, 211-217, mentioned
- Antonini no. 286, 211-217, mentioned
- Antonini no. 284, 211-217, mentioned
- Fredegar no. 110, 741, as place of event/issue
- Conc._2,1 no. 003, 743, as place of event/issue
- Conc._2,1 no. 005, 745-10-25, as place of event/issue
- AnnMosel no. 747, 747, as place of event/issue
- Fredegar no. 116, 747, as place of event/issue
- AnnPet no. 747, 747, as place of event/issue
- AnnAmand no. 747, 747, as place of event/issue
- AnnReg no. 749, 749, as place of event/issue
- AnnPet no. 753, 753, as place of event/issue
- AnnPet no. 754, 754, as place of event/issue
- AnnReg no. 755, 755, as place of event/issue
- Fredegar no. 121, 756-01-01, as place of event/issue
- Conc._2,1 no. 012, 761-07-04, as place of event/issue
- AnnPet no. 765, 765, as place of event/issue
- Conc._2,1 no. 014, 769-04-12-769-04-14, as place of event/issue
- AnnAlam no. 774, 774, as place of event/issue
- AnnReg no. 773, 774-04-03, as place of event/issue
- AnnAlam no. 780, 780, as place of event/issue
- AnnReg no. 780, 780, as possession
- AnnAmand no. 780, 780, as place of event/issue
- AnnAlam no. 781, 781, as place of event/issue
- AnnReg no. 781, 781, as place of event/issue
- AnnReg no. 781, 781, as place of event/issue
- AnnReg no. 781, 781, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 0515r, 781-04-15, as place of event/issue
- AnnAmand no. 787, 787, as place of event/issue
- D_Kar._1 no. 158, 787-03-28, as place of event/issue
- AnnReg no. 787, 787, as place of event/issue
- AnnReg no. 787, 787-04-08, as place of event/issue
- AnnAmand no. 797, 797, as possession
- AnnAmand no. 800, 800, as place of event/issue
- AnnAmand no. 800, 800, as place of event/issue
- AnnReg no. 800, 800-12-25, as place of event/issue
- D_Kar._1 no. 196, 801-03-04, as place of event/issue
- AnnReg no. 801, 801-04-04, as place of event/issue
- SMB no. 18202744, 793-814
- bm no. 1018a, 823-04-05, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 1020a, 824, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 1021, 824, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 1021a, 824-11-11, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 1021b, 824-11-13, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 1177d, 844-06-15, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 1179a, 850-04-00, as place of event/issue
- Gariel no. LX_031, 840-855
- Gariel no. LX_032, 840-855
- Gariel no. LX_033, 840-855
- Gariel no. LX_034, 840-855
- Gariel no. LX_035, 840-855
- Gariel no. LX_036, 840-855
- Gariel no. LX_037, 840-855
- Gariel no. LX_038, 840-855
- Gariel no. LX_039, 840-855
- D_L_II no. 029, 858-03-30, as place of event/issue
- D_L_II no. 038, 864-02-23, as place of event/issue
- D_L_II no. 039, 864-02-00, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 1324d, 869, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 1324g, 869-07-11, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 1325a, 869, as place of event/issue
- D_L_II no. 057, 872-05-28, as place of event/issue
- Gariel no. LXI_011, 855-875
- Gariel no. LXI_012, 855-875
- Gariel no. LXI_013, 855-875
- Gariel no. XXIV_094, 875-877
- D_Karl no. 178, 881, as place of event/issue
- D_Arn no. 140, 896-02-27, as place of event/issue
- D_Arn no. 141, 896-03-01, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 1913e, 896, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 1913i, 896-02-00, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 1914, 896-02-23, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 1915, 896-02-27, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 1916, 896-03-01, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 1917a, 896, as place of event/issue
- Gariel no. LXII_003d, 887-899
ordered by title
- A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome (1929)
- Étude sur le Liber pontificalis (1877)
- Études critiques sur l'histoire de Charlemagne. VI. Le couronnement impérial de l'an 800 (1920)
- Études sur l'administration de Rome au moyen âge (751-1252) (1907)
- Acta pontificum Romanorum inedita. I. Urkunden der Päpste vom Jahre 748 bis zum Jahre 1198 (1880)
- Acta pontificum Romanorum inedita. II. Urkunden der Päpste vom Jahre c. 97 bis zum Jahre 1197 (1884)
- Acta pontificum Romanorum inedita. III. Urkunden der Päpste vom Jahre c. 590 bis zum Jahre 1197 (1886)
- Bayern und Rom im frühen achten Jahrhundert. Über die römischen Synodalakten von 721 und das päpstliche Kapitular von 716 zur Einrichtung einer bayerischen Kirchenprovinz (2000)
- Die Beziehungen des Papsttums zum fränkischen Staats- und Kirchenrecht unter den Karolingern (1892)
- Die Entstehung des Kirchenstaates (1894)
- Die Quellen zur Geschichte der Entstehung des Kirchenstaates (1907)
- Die Regesten der Päpste (844-872), Faszikel 844-858
- Early history of the Christian church: from its foundation to the end of the third century, volume 1 (1912)
- Empereur, Empereur associé et Pape au temps de Louis le Pieux (1992)
- Epistolarum Tomus I. Gregori I papae registrum epistolarum. Libri I.-VII. (1899)
- Epistolarum Tomus II. Gregorii I papae Registrum epistolarum. Libri VIII-XIV (1901)
- Gestorum Pontificum Romanorum vol. 1. Liber Pontificalis, pars prior (1898)
- III. Die päpstlichen Urkunden für Fulda bis zum 13. Jahrhunderte
- Kritische Beiträge zu den Akten der römischen Synode vom 12. April 732 (1891)
- L'avènement de la dynastie carolingienne et les origines de l'État pontifical (749-757). Essai sur la chronologie et l'interprétation des événements (1933)
- L'inscription du tombeau d'Hadrien I, composée et gravée par ordre de Charlemagne (1888)
- Le chiese d'Italia dalla loro origine sino ai nostri giorni. Volume ottavo (1851)
- Le Liber Pontificalis. Texte, introduction et commentaire. Tome 1 (1886)
- Monete dei Romani Pontefici avanti il Mille (1858)
- Monete dei Romani Pontefici avanti il Mille. Tavole I-X
- Pontificorum Vitae
- Regesta pontificum romanorum (1851)
- Regesta pontificum Romanorum (bis 1198), Vol. 1 (2. Auflage) (1885)
- Regesta pontificum Romanorum (bis 1198), Vol. 2 (2. Auflage) (1888)
- Solium imperii-urbs ecclesiae. Roma fra la tarda antichità e l'alto medioevo (2000)
- The beginnings of the temporal sovereignty of the popes A. D. 754-1073 (1908)
- The book of the popes (Liber pontificalis) (1916)
- The popes during the Carolingian Empire: Leo III. to Formosus, 795-891. Vol. II. 795-858 (1906)
- The popes during the Carolingian Empire: Leo III. to Formosus, 795-891. Vol. III. 858-891 (1906)
- The popes under the Lombard rule. Vol I. St. Gregory I. (the Great) to Leo III. 590-795. Part II. 657-795 (1902)
- VIII. Codex Carolinus