Name: Sutri
Lat/lon: 42.241246 12.226323
Country: IT
Administrative code: 056049
Ancient name: Sutrium
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=14073 , GeoNames=3166010 , Pleiades=413328

See also: TPPlace=1230; brill-s-new-pauly=sutrium-e1126330; ; osm:node=3904368829; osm:way=159808317; romaq=441; ; wikipedia:it=Sutri

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. CIL 11 no. 03281, 330, as place of event/issue
  2. CIL 11 no. 03282, 330, as place of event/issue
  3. Civitates, 300-600, as organisation , secondary source