Name: Toledo
Lat/lon: 39.8567775 -4.0244759
Country: ES
Administrative code: 45168
Ancient name: Toletum
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=13709 , Pleiades=266066

See also: pecs=toletum; romaq=576; theatrum=1261; ; wikipedia:es=Toledo

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. Civitates, 300-600, as organisation , secondary source

ordered by title

  1. Continuatio Isidoriana Hispana a. DCCLIV. [Chronicle of 754 or Continuatio Hispana] (1894)
  2. Councils of Toledo
  3. Description générale des monnaies des rois Wisigoths d'Espagne (1872)
  4. Gothic Survivals in the Visigothic Kingdoms of Toulouse and Toledo (1994)
  5. Hispanica Epigraphica Online Database. Roman inscriptions from the Iberian peninsula
  6. La circulation des monnaies suèves et visigotiques. Contribution à l'histoire économique du royaume visigot (1976)
  7. Le règne de Rodéric, Akhila II et l’invasion musulmane de la péninsule Ibérique (2007)
  8. Paganism and Pagan Survivals in Spain up to the Fall of the Visigothic Kingdom (1938)
  9. The Chronology of the Reign of Witiza in the Sources: an Historiographical Problem in the Final Years of the Visigothic Kingdom of Toledo (2002)
  10. The Visigothic Code: Forum Iudicum (in english)
  11. Visigothic Kingdom
  12. Visigoths