Name: Reichenau
Lat/lon: 47.69897 9.06234
Country: DE
Administrative code: 08335066
Ancient name: Sindleozesauua
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=1096 , GeoNames=3209418

See also: wikipedia:de=Reichenau_(Insel)

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. Arnulfinger no. 033, 724-04-25, as possession
  2. Arnulfinger no. 034, 724-04-25, as organisation
  3. Arnulfinger no. 033, 724-04-25, as organisation
  4. ChronAug no. 724, 724, as organisation
  5. ChronAug no. 727, 727, as organisation
  6. RegAls no. 121, 731, as organisation
  7. ChronAug no. 732, 732, as organisation
  8. ChronAug no. 732, 732, as organisation
  9. ChronAug no. 734, 734, as organisation
  10. ChronAug no. 736, 736, as organisation
  11. ChronAug no. 736, 736, as organisation
  12. ChronAug no. 731, 741, as organisation
  13. UBSG_1 no. 007, 741/745-11-19, as organisation
  14. UBSG_1 no. 010, 744-11-09, as organisation
  15. ChronAug no. 746, 746, as organisation
  16. SS_rer._Germ._75 no. 063, 746-760, as organisation
  17. ChronAug no. 786, 786, as organisation
  18. Gallus no. 018, 797, as organisation
  19. ChronAug no. 799, 799, as place of event/issue
  20. Gallus no. 020a, 802, as organisation
  21. Capit._1 no. 115, 805/806, as organisation
  22. ChronAug no. 806, 806, as organisation
  23. D_Kar._1 no. 281, 811, as organisation
  24. D_Kar._1 no. 285, 813, as organisation
  25. bmdep no. 449, 768-814, as organisation
  26. bm no. 0601, 815-12-14, as organisation
  27. bm no. 0603, 816-01-01, as organisation
  28. ConfratAug no. 465, 824, as organisation
  29. bm no. 0869, 829-09-06, as organisation
  30. bm no. 0991, 839-04-21, as organisation
  31. bm no. 0994, 839-06-20, as organisation
  32. bmdep no. 452, 814-840, as organisation
  33. WUB no. 108, 843-09-01, as place of event/issue
  34. WUB no. 108, 843-09-01, as organisation
  35. D_LD no. 081, 857-04-28, as organisation
  36. bmdep no. 454, 840-876, as organisation
  37. D_Karl no. 006, 878-01-13, as organisation
  38. D_Karl no. 010, 878, as organisation
  39. D_Karl no. 178, 881, as organisation
  40. D_Karl no. 092, 883-10-09, as organisation
  41. D_Karl no. 092, 883-10-09, as possession
  42. D_Karl no. 092, 883-10-09, as organisation
  43. D_Karl no. 099, 884-04-22, as place of event/issue
  44. D_Karl no. 099, 884-04-22, as organisation
  45. bm no. 1681, 884-04-22, as place of event/issue
  46. D_Karl no. 172, 887-11-17, as organisation
  47. bmdep no. 456, 879-887, as organisation
  48. D_Arn no. 006, 888-01-03, as organisation
  49. D_Arn no. 015, 888-02-11, as organisation
  50. D_Arn no. 035, 888-08-01, as organisation
  51. D_Arn no. 048, 889-06-05, as organisation
  52. D_Arn no. 065, 889-11-18, as organisation
  53. bm no. 1849a, 890, as place of event/issue
  54. D_Arn no. 096, 892-01-21, as organisation
  55. D_LK no. 034, 904-06-15, as organisation
  56. D_LK no. 069, 909-05-21, as organisation
  57. Gallus no. 020b, 973, as organisation
  58. Prinz_VI, 481-750, as organisation , secondary source
  59. Prinz_VIIC, 690-754, as organisation , secondary source
  60. Prinz_XII no. C, 690-768, mentioned , secondary source

ordered by title

  1. 4. Fuldaer Mönchgruppen in Reichenauer Überlieferung (XA-XL)
  2. Bischof Perminius und die Gründung der Abteien Murbach und Reichenau (1947)
  3. Chronik des Gallus Öhem (1866)
  4. Das Reichenauer Verbrüderungsbuch und der Klosterkonvent von Disentis (1985)
  5. Das Verbrüderungsbuch der Abtei Reichenau (1979)
  6. Die alemannischen Fürsten Nebi und Berthold und ihre Beziehungen zu den Klöstern St. Gallen und Reichenau (1976)
  7. Evangeliar aus dem Bamberger Dom - BSB Clm 4454, Reichenau, Anfang 11. Jh.
  8. Freisinger Traditionen und Memorialeinträge im Salzburger Liber Vitae und im Reichenauer Verbrüderungsbuch (1995)
  9. HAEDDO abbé de Reichenau 727 -734, évêque de Strasbourg, mentionné de 734 à ? 762, ? abbé de Munster
  10. Herimanni Augiensis chronicon (1-1054)
  11. II. Confraternitates Augienses (Reichenau)
  12. II. Der Name der Ronkalischen Felder in der Reichenauer Constitutio de expeditione Romana
  13. Ludovicus Pius Francorum Imperator. Diploma pro Monasterio Sintleozesaviae
  14. PIRMIN (Permin(i)us, Primenus), Hl., Missionar, Abt, Bischof (1994)
  15. Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschicte der Abtei Reichenau. I. Die Reichenauer Urkundenfälschungen (1890)
  16. Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschicte der Abtei Reichenau. II. Die Chronik des Gallus Öhem (1893)
  17. Reichenau Island. Abbey of Reichenau
  18. Saint Pirmin
  19. Schwäbische Urkundenfälschungen des 10. und 12. Jh. (1900)
  20. SIDONIUS évêque de Constance, mentionné probablement en 757, abbé de Reichenau
  21. St. Gall Manuscripts and Reichenau Manucripts
  22. Walahfridi Abbatis Augensis. De vita Beati Galli Confessoris (1890)
  23. Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. Rh. hist. 27. Reichenauer Verbrüderungsbuch
  24. Zu den Formulae Augienses (1896)
  25. Zum Quellenwert der Verbrüderungsbücher von St. Gallen und Reichenau (1985)
  26. Zur Reichenauer Ãœberlieferung der 'Visio Wettini' im 9. Jahrhundert (1974)