Name: Reichenau
Lat/lon: 47.69897 9.06234
Country: DE
Administrative code: 08335066
Ancient name: Sindleozesauua
Canonical uri:
Same As: Francia:places=1096 , GeoNames=3209418
See also: wikipedia:de=Reichenau_(Insel)
Cites As Evidence
ordered by date
- Arnulfinger no. 033, 724-04-25, as possession
- Arnulfinger no. 034, 724-04-25, as organisation
- Arnulfinger no. 033, 724-04-25, as organisation
- ChronAug no. 724, 724, as organisation
- ChronAug no. 727, 727, as organisation
- RegAls no. 121, 731, as organisation
- ChronAug no. 732, 732, as organisation
- ChronAug no. 732, 732, as organisation
- ChronAug no. 734, 734, as organisation
- ChronAug no. 736, 736, as organisation
- ChronAug no. 736, 736, as organisation
- ChronAug no. 731, 741, as organisation
- UBSG_1 no. 007, 741/745-11-19, as organisation
- UBSG_1 no. 010, 744-11-09, as organisation
- ChronAug no. 746, 746, as organisation
- SS_rer._Germ._75 no. 063, 746-760, as organisation
- ChronAug no. 786, 786, as organisation
- Gallus no. 018, 797, as organisation
- ChronAug no. 799, 799, as place of event/issue
- Gallus no. 020a, 802, as organisation
- Capit._1 no. 115, 805/806, as organisation
- ChronAug no. 806, 806, as organisation
- D_Kar._1 no. 281, 811, as organisation
- D_Kar._1 no. 285, 813, as organisation
- bmdep no. 449, 768-814, as organisation
- bm no. 0601, 815-12-14, as organisation
- bm no. 0603, 816-01-01, as organisation
- ConfratAug no. 465, 824, as organisation
- bm no. 0869, 829-09-06, as organisation
- bm no. 0991, 839-04-21, as organisation
- bm no. 0994, 839-06-20, as organisation
- bmdep no. 452, 814-840, as organisation
- WUB no. 108, 843-09-01, as place of event/issue
- WUB no. 108, 843-09-01, as organisation
- D_LD no. 081, 857-04-28, as organisation
- bmdep no. 454, 840-876, as organisation
- D_Karl no. 006, 878-01-13, as organisation
- D_Karl no. 010, 878, as organisation
- D_Karl no. 178, 881, as organisation
- D_Karl no. 092, 883-10-09, as organisation
- D_Karl no. 092, 883-10-09, as possession
- D_Karl no. 092, 883-10-09, as organisation
- D_Karl no. 099, 884-04-22, as place of event/issue
- D_Karl no. 099, 884-04-22, as organisation
- bm no. 1681, 884-04-22, as place of event/issue
- D_Karl no. 172, 887-11-17, as organisation
- bmdep no. 456, 879-887, as organisation
- D_Arn no. 006, 888-01-03, as organisation
- D_Arn no. 015, 888-02-11, as organisation
- D_Arn no. 035, 888-08-01, as organisation
- D_Arn no. 048, 889-06-05, as organisation
- D_Arn no. 065, 889-11-18, as organisation
- bm no. 1849a, 890, as place of event/issue
- D_Arn no. 096, 892-01-21, as organisation
- D_LK no. 034, 904-06-15, as organisation
- D_LK no. 069, 909-05-21, as organisation
- Gallus no. 020b, 973, as organisation
- Prinz_VI, 481-750, as organisation , secondary source
- Prinz_VIIC, 690-754, as organisation , secondary source
- Prinz_XII no. C, 690-768, mentioned , secondary source
ordered by title
- 4. Fuldaer Mönchgruppen in Reichenauer Überlieferung (XA-XL)
- Bischof Perminius und die Gründung der Abteien Murbach und Reichenau (1947)
- Chronik des Gallus Öhem (1866)
- Das Reichenauer Verbrüderungsbuch und der Klosterkonvent von Disentis (1985)
- Das Verbrüderungsbuch der Abtei Reichenau (1979)
- Die alemannischen Fürsten Nebi und Berthold und ihre Beziehungen zu den Klöstern St. Gallen und Reichenau (1976)
- Evangeliar aus dem Bamberger Dom - BSB Clm 4454, Reichenau, Anfang 11. Jh.
- Freisinger Traditionen und Memorialeinträge im Salzburger Liber Vitae und im Reichenauer Verbrüderungsbuch (1995)
- HAEDDO abbé de Reichenau 727 -734, évêque de Strasbourg, mentionné de 734 à ? 762, ? abbé de Munster
- Herimanni Augiensis chronicon (1-1054)
- II. Confraternitates Augienses (Reichenau)
- II. Der Name der Ronkalischen Felder in der Reichenauer Constitutio de expeditione Romana
- Ludovicus Pius Francorum Imperator. Diploma pro Monasterio Sintleozesaviae
- PIRMIN (Permin(i)us, Primenus), Hl., Missionar, Abt, Bischof (1994)
- Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschicte der Abtei Reichenau. I. Die Reichenauer Urkundenfälschungen (1890)
- Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschicte der Abtei Reichenau. II. Die Chronik des Gallus Öhem (1893)
- Reichenau Island. Abbey of Reichenau
- Saint Pirmin
- Schwäbische Urkundenfälschungen des 10. und 12. Jh. (1900)
- SIDONIUS évêque de Constance, mentionné probablement en 757, abbé de Reichenau
- St. Gall Manuscripts and Reichenau Manucripts
- Walahfridi Abbatis Augensis. De vita Beati Galli Confessoris (1890)
- Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. Rh. hist. 27. Reichenauer Verbrüderungsbuch
- Zu den Formulae Augienses (1896)
- Zum Quellenwert der Verbrüderungsbücher von St. Gallen und Reichenau (1985)
- Zur Reichenauer Ãœberlieferung der 'Visio Wettini' im 9. Jahrhundert (1974)