Name: Augsburg
Lat/lon: 48.37277 10.89655
Country: DE
Administrative code: 09761000
Ancient name: Augusta Vindelicum/Aelia Augusta
Canonical uri:

Same As: Francia:places=10 , GeoNames=2954172 , Pleiades=118580

See also: TPPlace=1000; amphi-theatrum=1844; ; pecs=augusta-vindelicum; romaq=234; tm=19899; ; wikipedia:de=Augusta_Vindelicorum

Cites As Evidence
ordered by date

  1. SS_13 no. 334, date not available, as organisation
  2. Necr._2 no. 063, date not available, as organisation
  3. CIL 17-04-01 no. 048, date not available, as place of event/issue
  4. CIL 17-04-01 no. 005, date not available, as place of event/issue
  5. AASS_Sept._2 no. 059, date not available, as organisation
  6. CIL 17-04-01 no. 063, date not available, mentioned
  7. CIL 17-04-01 no. 070, 200-201, mentioned
  8. CIL 17-04-01 no. 050, 201, mentioned
  9. CIL 17-04-01 no. 051, 201, mentioned
  10. CIL 17-04-01 no. 038, 201, mentioned
  11. CIL 17-04-01 no. 039, 201, mentioned
  12. CIL 17-04-01 no. 065, 201, mentioned
  13. CIL 17-04-01 no. 066, 201, mentioned
  14. CIL 17-04-01 no. 053, 195-215, mentioned
  15. CIL 17-04-01 no. 054, 195-215, mentioned
  16. CIL 17-04-01 no. 055, 195-215, mentioned
  17. CIL 17-04-01 no. 067, 195-215, mentioned
  18. Antonini no. 236, 211-217, mentioned
  19. Antonini no. 250, 211-217, mentioned
  20. Antonini no. 258, 211-217, mentioned
  21. Antonini no. 258, 211-217, mentioned
  22. Antonini no. 241, 211-217, mentioned
  23. Antonini no. 232, 211-217, mentioned
  24. Antonini no. 274, 211-217, mentioned
  25. CIL 17-04-01 no. 046, 226-228, mentioned
  26. NotDignOcc no. 035, 425-430, mentioned
  27. NotDignOcc no. 035, 425-430, mentioned
  28. NotDignOcc no. 035, 425-430, mentioned
  29. EppSel1 no. 044, 738, as organisation
  30. ChronBuran no. 003, 748, as organisation
  31. SS_10 no. 035, 781, as organisation
  32. AnnReg no. 787, 787, mentioned
  33. Capit._1 no. 045, 806-02-06, as organisation
  34. Capit._1 no. 115, 805/806, as organisation
  35. Capit._1 no. 115, 805/806, as organisation
  36. bmdep no. 049, 778-807, as organisation
  37. BrevEx no. 009, 810, as organisation
  38. Astronom no. 047, 832-05, as place of event/issue
  39. bm no. 0899d, 832-05, as place of event/issue
  40. TAF/040 no. 078, 842, as possession
  41. D_LD no. 151, 874-02-02, as place of event/issue
  42. bm no. 1499, 874-02-02, as place of event/issue
  43. D_Arn no. 072, 889-12-08, as place of event/issue
  44. bm no. 1840, 889-12-08, as place of event/issue
  45. D_Arn no. 150, 897-01-20, as organisation
  46. D_LK no. 068, 900-909, as organisation
  47. bm no. 2064a, 910, as place of event/issue
  48. Civitates_Raetia no. 000, 0-212, mentioned , secondary source
  49. Civitates, 300-600, as organisation , secondary source
  50. Prinz_XII no. B1, 590-649, mentioned , secondary source

ordered by title

  1. Administrative centres in the Province of Raetia
  2. Augsburg, Skizze 2: Augsburg, Plan der Römerstadt
  3. Augsburg, Skizze 2a: Plan zur Topographie von Augsburg-Augusta Vindelicum
  4. Augsburg, Skizze 3: Augsburgs Umgebung in römischer Zeit
  5. Die alemannische Niederlassung in Rhaetia secunda (1875)
  6. Die Barbareneinfälle in die Provinz Rätien und deren Besetzung durch Barbaren. (I. Theil.) (1901)
  7. Historische Probleme einer europäischen Stadt: Augsburg (1978)
  8. Historischer Atlas und Stadtgeschichtsforschung. Bemerkungen zum Band Augsburg des historischen Atlasses von Bayern (1976)
  9. Les plus anciennes chartes du monastère de Sainte-Afra a Augsbourg (1902)
  10. Roemer und Romanen in den Donaulaendern (1887)
  11. Schwaben Reihe I Heft 10: Stadt Augsburg (1975)
  12. Skizze 4: Augsburgs Umgebung im frühen Mittelalter
  13. Urbarium episcopatus Augustani de anno 1316