Name: Augsburg
Lat/lon: 48.37277 10.89655
Country: DE
Administrative code: 09761000
Ancient name: Augusta Vindelicum/Aelia Augusta
Canonical uri:
Same As: Francia:places=10 , GeoNames=2954172 , Pleiades=118580
See also: TPPlace=1000; amphi-theatrum=1844; ; pecs=augusta-vindelicum; romaq=234; tm=19899; ; wikipedia:de=Augusta_Vindelicorum
Cites As Evidence
ordered by date
- SS_13 no. 334, date not available, as organisation
- Necr._2 no. 063, date not available, as organisation
- CIL 17-04-01 no. 048, date not available, as place of event/issue
- CIL 17-04-01 no. 005, date not available, as place of event/issue
- AASS_Sept._2 no. 059, date not available, as organisation
- CIL 17-04-01 no. 063, date not available, mentioned
- CIL 17-04-01 no. 070, 200-201, mentioned
- CIL 17-04-01 no. 050, 201, mentioned
- CIL 17-04-01 no. 051, 201, mentioned
- CIL 17-04-01 no. 038, 201, mentioned
- CIL 17-04-01 no. 039, 201, mentioned
- CIL 17-04-01 no. 065, 201, mentioned
- CIL 17-04-01 no. 066, 201, mentioned
- CIL 17-04-01 no. 053, 195-215, mentioned
- CIL 17-04-01 no. 054, 195-215, mentioned
- CIL 17-04-01 no. 055, 195-215, mentioned
- CIL 17-04-01 no. 067, 195-215, mentioned
- Antonini no. 236, 211-217, mentioned
- Antonini no. 250, 211-217, mentioned
- Antonini no. 258, 211-217, mentioned
- Antonini no. 258, 211-217, mentioned
- Antonini no. 241, 211-217, mentioned
- Antonini no. 232, 211-217, mentioned
- Antonini no. 274, 211-217, mentioned
- CIL 17-04-01 no. 046, 226-228, mentioned
- NotDignOcc no. 035, 425-430, mentioned
- NotDignOcc no. 035, 425-430, mentioned
- NotDignOcc no. 035, 425-430, mentioned
- EppSel1 no. 044, 738, as organisation
- ChronBuran no. 003, 748, as organisation
- SS_10 no. 035, 781, as organisation
- AnnReg no. 787, 787, mentioned
- Capit._1 no. 045, 806-02-06, as organisation
- Capit._1 no. 115, 805/806, as organisation
- Capit._1 no. 115, 805/806, as organisation
- bmdep no. 049, 778-807, as organisation
- BrevEx no. 009, 810, as organisation
- Astronom no. 047, 832-05, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 0899d, 832-05, as place of event/issue
- TAF/040 no. 078, 842, as possession
- D_LD no. 151, 874-02-02, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 1499, 874-02-02, as place of event/issue
- D_Arn no. 072, 889-12-08, as place of event/issue
- bm no. 1840, 889-12-08, as place of event/issue
- D_Arn no. 150, 897-01-20, as organisation
- D_LK no. 068, 900-909, as organisation
- bm no. 2064a, 910, as place of event/issue
- Civitates_Raetia no. 000, 0-212, mentioned , secondary source
- Civitates, 300-600, as organisation , secondary source
- Prinz_XII no. B1, 590-649, mentioned , secondary source
ordered by title
- Administrative centres in the Province of Raetia
- Augsburg, Skizze 2: Augsburg, Plan der Römerstadt
- Augsburg, Skizze 2a: Plan zur Topographie von Augsburg-Augusta Vindelicum
- Augsburg, Skizze 3: Augsburgs Umgebung in römischer Zeit
- Die alemannische Niederlassung in Rhaetia secunda (1875)
- Die Barbareneinfälle in die Provinz Rätien und deren Besetzung durch Barbaren. (I. Theil.) (1901)
- Historische Probleme einer europäischen Stadt: Augsburg (1978)
- Historischer Atlas und Stadtgeschichtsforschung. Bemerkungen zum Band Augsburg des historischen Atlasses von Bayern (1976)
- Les plus anciennes chartes du monastère de Sainte-Afra a Augsbourg (1902)
- Roemer und Romanen in den Donaulaendern (1887)
- Schwaben Reihe I Heft 10: Stadt Augsburg (1975)
- Skizze 4: Augsburgs Umgebung im frühen Mittelalter
- Urbarium episcopatus Augustani de anno 1316